Underfloor Heating Systems - Electric vs Wet


Underfloor heating systems can be installed under nearly every of floor type including tile, wood, stone, laminate and carpeted surfaces. Installing underfloor heating will help to keep rooms and floors warm through radiant heat; offering a space saving solution as well as providing a perfect alternative to the conventional radiator.

The two types of underfloor heating are electric and wet also known as dry and water underfloor heating systems respectively. Two of the most critical factors when deciding on an underfloor heating system is the desired surface underfoot that you wish to heat and the size of the area that requires heating.

It is important to understand how the underfloor heating system that you are installing works. In a different way to standard conventional heating, underfloor heating produces radiant heat providing an even and ambient heat. With the reduction in heat loss from your body, you will feel warmer at a lower temperature when compared to conventional heating systems.

Electric Underfloor Heating Systems

Electric underfloor heating systems use electric cables that heat up when connected to mains electricity. In a new build property, a screed finish is often used and for existing properties, electric mats or tiles are regularly installed.

An electric underfloor heating system is often preferred for existing structures as it is easier to install than the barrier pipe.

Benefits to you

  • Easy to install
  • No piping or screed required

Wet Underfloor Heating

Heated water is circulated through suitable polyethene barrier piping with separate circuits for different zones within the property. Zones are then connected to a manifold that has regulating valves and a thermostat, this means that different zones in the house can be heated to specified temperatures at different times and areas.

Benefits to you

  • Low maintenance
  • Connects to renewable energy sources

The three main types of wet underfloor heating systems are:

Under new concrete or screed floors Most common in new build homes. A permanent solution, the underfloor heating is built into concrete or screed floors.

Between joists or Suspended floors This requires an installer to place the system between the joists or from below the floor with insulation.

water-between-joists (1)

Over existing floor -The quickest type of wet underfloor heating installation, this is because it is not essential to set the system in concrete or screed. This system can also be used above an existing solid or wooden floor and a great choice for retrofitting a wet system.
