Mandatory Update To Part L Building Regulations


When does Part L of the building changes come into action?

On 15th June 2022, updates regarding Boiler Maintenance will be implemented. This enables UK household owners to take steps to reduce carbon emissions, promote greenhouse gas reduction, and have a positive impact on the worldwide ongoing issue of climate change.

PlumbNation has made it simple for you to meet the criteria of Part L through the supply of our Water Treatment products.

Why the Update?

As of June 2022, all new homes are expected to produce 31% less CO2 emissions than what is currently acceptable in Part L.

This is the government's plan to include the plumbing and heating industry within its climate change act strategy so that the majority of industries are working in alignment.

With less CO2 produced, the plumbing and heating industry can limit the carbon footprints of each household, resulting in a less impact on the environment on a daily basis.

The Appropriate Products sold at PlumbNation!

To ensure that boiler installations meet Part L's approved documents, installers should follow 5 simple steps.

5-Step Guide


Step 1

A full system clean should be undertaken by a recognised cleaning method.

Cleaning of boiler installations should be carried out with a central heating treatment using a recognised cleaning method such as power flushing, mains pressure cleaning or gravity cleaning either before a new boiler is installed or after it has been isolated from the rest of the system.

Step 2

Install a permanent in-line filter to prevent it from accumulating harmful debris while improving the efficiency of the boiler.

The main benefit is its ability to help your system run efficiently and effectively due to the removal of debris and unwanted waste materials. As a result of this efficiency, you'll also be able to lower your energy bills compared to if your system struggled.

System filter)

Step 3

Protect the system from corrosion, scale, microbial fouling and low temperatures. This will protect against contaminants.

A corrosion and scale inhibitor should be added to a cleaned system to ensure ongoing protection from corrosion and scale.

Sentinel electro

Step 4

Servicing of in-line filters is mandatory as part of the recommissioning process. This will maintain filter efficiency.

Filters should be fitted to new systems after a full clean has been completed. Existing filters should be regularly serviced, preferably at the annual boiler and system service and according to manufacturer's instructions

Step 5

It is mandatory to check inhibitor levels annually and re-dos a system after 5 years or perform a laboratory analysis. The user should test and dose the system to ensure protection after 5 years, which can be done using our wide range of treatment packs.

Inhibitor levels should be continuously monitored during the life cycle of the system to ensure full protection. To avoid the risk of chemical degradation over time, the inhibitor should either be re-dosed 5 years after the last treatment, or a complete laboratory analysis of the system water to be carried out and, if necessary, the system be treated with the inhibitor.

Test kit