Electric Vs Water Underfloor Heating


The Different Types of Underfloor Heating: Electric vs Water Underfloor Heating

So, you've decided you want to install underfloor heating in your home, but you're unsure of the different types of underfloor heating available. You've come to the right place! The experts at Plumbnation have put together this comprehensive guide to help you understand everything there is to know about the different types of underfloor heating.

Read on to learn more about the different underfloor heating systems and which one is the best choice for your home.

What are the different types of underfloor heating?

The two types of underfloor heating are electric and wet, also known as dry and water underfloor heating systems respectively. Installing underfloor heating will help to keep rooms and floors warm through radiant heat, offering a space-saving solution as well as providing a perfect alternative to traditional radiators.

Two of the most critical factors when deciding on an underfloor heating system is the desired surface underfoot that you wish to heat and the size of the area that requires heating. All underfloor heating systems can be installed under nearly every floor type, including tile, wood, stone, laminate, and carpeted surfaces. Although, depending on the type of material your floor is, it might mean more installation work for harder surfaces such as stone or concrete.

Even so, it's essential to understand how the underfloor heating system that you are installing works. Different to traditional heating systems, underfloor heating produces radiant heat providing an even and ambient heat. With the reduction in heat loss from your body, you will feel warmer at a lower temperature when compared to conventional heating systems.

Underfloor heating kitchen

Can I install underfloor heating under any floor?

As mentioned before, the good news is that all underfloor heating systems can be installed under nearly every floor type, including tile, wood, stone, laminate and carpeted surfaces. This means that no matter the type of floor you already have, you will likely be able to upgrade to an underfloor heating system.

Which type of underfloor heating is best?

As with any home improvement project, deciding on the best options for your upgrades is a critical decision that needs to be made. You don't want to pay lots of money for an appliance or system that isn't suitable for your house or needs. Below we have created a quick overview of the different options of underfloor heating to help you start to decide which type of underfloor heating is best for you.

Electric Underfloor Heating Systems Water Underfloor Heating Systems
How do they work? Electric heating wires or heating mats are connected to the electricity mains supply. Heated water is circulated through suitable polyethene barrier piping with separate circuits for different zones within the property.
Project type? Renovation projects or single rooms. New builds and large spaces.
Running costs? More expensive option due to electric tariff prices. Lower long-term running costs overall.
Installation costs? Cheaper option to install. More expensive option to install but lower running costs overall.
Installation time? Speedy installation process due to the use in smaller areas. Longer installation time due to the use in larger projects and rooms.

Electric Underfloor Heating Systems

Electric underfloor heating systems use electric cables that heat up when connected to mains electricity. A screed finish is often used in a new build property, and for existing properties, electric mats or tiles are regularly installed. Electric systems are usually preferred for existing structures as it is easier to install than a barrier pipe.

Benefits to you

Easy to install for a renovation project or small room

No piping or screeded floors required

Wet Underfloor Heating System

Wet underfloor heating systems, also known as water underfloor heating systems or gas underfloor heating, work by hot water circulating through suitable polyethene barrier piping with separate circuits for different zones within the property. Zones are then connected to a manifold with regulating valves and a thermostat. This means that different zones in the house can be heated to specified temperatures at different times and areas.

Benefits to you

Low maintenance

Connects to renewable energy sources like solar panels

There are three main types of water underfloor heating systems which you also need to consider if you are planning to go with this type of heating system:

  • Under new concrete or screed floors Most common in new build homes. A permanent solution, the underfloor heating is built into concrete or screed floors.
  • Between joists or suspended floors requires a qualified plumber to place the system between the joists or from below the floor with insulation.
  • Over existing floor -The quickest type of wet underfloor heating installation, this is because it is not essential to set the system in concrete or screed. This system can also be used above an existing solid or wooden floor and is an excellent choice for retrofitting a wet system.

Get your underfloor heating system from PlumbNation today!

With our extensive range of underfloor heating systems, we are sure you will find one to suit your needs. At PlumbNation, we pride ourselves on high-quality products and services, so if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our experts, who will be happy to help you.