Electric vs Gas Heating


Do you ever wonder if a traditional gas central heating system is the most effective means for heating your home?

Electric radiators are becoming a popular alternative for heating the home. Some may associate electric heating as an outdated method, however, the advances in electric heating over recent years have been remarkable. We've put together the below guide to give you a comprehensive overview of both types of boilers, including the pros and cons of each, to help you decide which is the best type of heating for your home.

Electric central heating radiator lifestyle

What's the difference between Electric Vs Gas central heating?

There are a few differences between electric vs gas heating systems that could determine which is most suitable for your home. Gas heating systems usually rely on the heating of water by burning fuel (natural gas, LPG or oil) in a boiler. The water is circulated through radiators or pipes for underfloor heating and as the floors or radiators warm up, they will heat the air in the room.

On the other hand, electric central heating systems rely on separate heating systems in each room such as a plug-in fan, bar heater, or a more complex network of storage heaters that run on off-peak electricity. With advances in modern electric heating technology, electric central heating systems are becoming a popular alternative to gas central heating for the home.

Gas Central Heating Pros and Cons

Now you know what the difference is between gas vs electric central heating, let us outline the benefits and setbacks of each system so you know which will be the best suited to your home. Below we have outlined the pros and cons of gas central heating systems, you can find the pros and cons of electric heating systems further down the blog.

Gas Central Heating Pros

1. Modern Gas Boilers are getting more efficient

If you're looking for an energy-efficient boiler, modern gas boilers are up to and over 90% energy efficient, meaning you will get a greater return on every unit of energy you use. All boilers available from PlumbNation are A-rated high-efficiency boilers, meaning they have 90%+ efficiency guaranteed.

2. Gas Boilers are easy to replace

If you're looking to upgrade your existing gas boiler to a new modern one, it is very easy for you to do. This is because you already have the infrastructure in place to accommodate a new gas boiler, it would be much harder if you wanted to swap out gas for electricity.

3. Can heat your home quickly

Gas boilers will heat your home much more quickly than electric boilers and radiators. This is because the burner will produce maximum heat from the moment it is switched on, meaning you won't have to leave the heating on for a long period, saving you money.

Gas Central Heating Cons

1. Gas Boilers are not 100% Efficient

Even though gas boilers are up to 90% efficient, they aren't 100% efficient like electric boilers. Electric heating systems will turn 1 kWh of electricity into 1 unit of heat meaning they are 100% efficient, however, gas boilers do not. Even brand new gas boilers can only be around 90% efficient.

2. Boiler Breakdowns & Maintenance can be expensive

Gas central heating requires maintenance that can be expensive, especially if your boiler breaks down. If you haven't yet replaced your old boiler, you are potentially running an inefficient heating system. The older your boiler is, the harder it will be working to heat your home.

Leaving a boiler without servicing means that you're putting it at risk of breakdown and the bigger the malfunction, the more expensive it will be to resolve.

Electric Central Heating Pros and Cons

To ensure you have all the information you need to make a decision about which central heating system is best for your home, we have outlined the pros and cons of electric central heating systems below.


Electric Central Heating Pros

1. Electric Heating is near 100% efficient

Unlike their gas counterparts, electric heating systems are nearly 100% efficient as they convert nearly all energy into heat. So this means appliances like electric radiators are ideal for rooms that need extra warmth when you don't need the rest of your central heating on, such as bathrooms, home offices, or treatment rooms.

2. Electric Radiators are cheaper to maintain

Electric radiators heat your room as efficiently as your central heating system does. Their main advantage is that they have no moving parts, which means they are less likely to break and therefore they will need less maintenance. They do not require servicing because they are powered through the mains meaning they are maintenance-free, so no plumber call-outs and no annual servicing.

3. Electric Radiators are Cheaper and more convenient to Install

The cost of installing an electric radiator is less than the cost of installing a central heating system or extending the system to a new room or a garden office.

Installing a gas central heating system is a large and expensive experience. It can take several weeks for a professional plumber to fit new pipes and radiators. This can be a messy job that involves lifted floorboards, damage to walls, and sometimes several weeks with limited hot water and heating.

Electric radiators are simple to install meaning you don't even need to pay for an installer as you can screw them in the wall yourself.

4. Electric Heating is Noise Free

Electric radiators provide practically silent heating. This is a great advantage to electricity when compared to gas central heating which often creates considerable noise as your boiler and radiators start to heat up. There's no background noise with electric radiators, no banging, clunking, or churning from pipes under the floor.

5. Electric Heating is More Eco-friendly

Electric radiators produce no carbon emissions. When powered by electricity generated from renewable sources, electric radiators offer an eco-friendly heating solution. This is a fundamental factor that makes electric heating the perfect choice for sustainable heating and having a more eco-friendly home.

Electric Central Heating Cons

1. Higher cost of electricity

The cost of electricity in many places is very expensive, and since you will be using more electricity in your home, your electricity tariff could end up being quite expensive. You might find that the running costs of an electric heater add up quickly, especially if you live somewhere that requires you to heat your home often.

2. Slower to heat your home

In comparison to gas central heating, electric central heating is a lot slower to warm up the rooms in your home as it takes longer for the system to kick in. So if you're looking to heat a room up quickly in the winter, this might not be the best option for you.

Which is best for your home: Electric or Gas heating?

Overall, deciding whether gas or electric heating is the best option for your home depends on your circumstances and budget.

Gas central heating, including radiators, are becoming more efficient, they heat your home very quickly and are very easy to replace if you have the infrastructure already in place. On the other hand, electric central heating, including electric radiators, are a perfect solution for eco-friendly homes, those who have a smaller upfront budget and those who don't want to deal with maintenance fees.

Whichever heating system or boiler you choose, here at PlumbNation we are sure we will have the perfect solution for you.